What D&D Duet is
A space for one-on-one D&D. Whether you’ve been playing for years or don’t think you ever will, we have everything you need to get started, adjust your games for parties of two, and engage in a fun storytelling partnership. If you’re looking to spend quality time with someone else or if you want a new outlet for expressing your creativity, you’re in the right place.
What we write about
Everything from getting started with your two-person game to ideas and advice for homebrew world creation, role-playing, and mechanics. And we write adventures too!
We have several posts to help get you started with talking to a partner about playing D&D together or creating the main character for your two-person D&D game or other RPG.
Playing one-on-one is highly customizable, and we want to help you find the play-style and scaling that’s best for you. For example, we recommend having a core party of NPCs that travel with the main character of the game so that you have a more balanced party and more people for the protagonist to interact with. Other strategies include incorporating sidekicks into your two-person game.
Playing a duet might also ask you to get out of your comfort zone, but in a good way! With just two players, one of you is going to need to lead the game as the DM, at least at first. If you’ve only ever interacted with D&D as a player before, we have some ideas for why you might switch up your role and try DMing.
Beyond advice or ideas for your duet game, we also write original content that can easily be transferred into your home game. You can find our adventures in the D&D Duet Shop, by searching for our names on DMsGuild (Beth Ball or Jonathan Ball)!
If you’re looking for a full-length one-on-one campaign, look no further than Land of Vampires, available in our shop!

Land of Vampires Bundle: Level 1-10 Duet Campaign + Adventuring Companions Supplement
And if you’re just getting started with your duet campaign, we’ve written a trio of adventures just for you, the Crystalline Curse Trilogy!

About Jonathan and Beth
When this site started, we were just a couple of English teachers in North Carolina who loved to play D&D together and to spend time with our two ridiculous and amazing labradors.
The latter two things are still true! But our journey over the last few years has seen new forays and expansions for both of us!
Beth Ball—novelist and game designer
Beth is a weaver of words and worlds spinning stories of druidic magic and the power of nature that span the high fantasy realms of Azuria and Eldura. You’ll find these magical realms in our adventures and in Beth’s epic fantasy novels!
Jonathan Ball—educational coach
Jonathan is an educational coach for first-year teachers and an education consultant. He’s passionate about empowering teachers so they can, in turn, empower their students.
About our duet
We started our own duet in March of 2018, and it has since become our favorite shared past-time. It provides an important creative outlet and a really fun and engaging way for us to spend quality time together.
We’re passionate about the transformative power of story and about the connective possibility and potential that happens when we tell stories with those we love.
Happy duet-ing friends!
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By email: Email Beth
Email Jonathan
Social: Follow us on Twitter @DndDuet
on Instagram at dndduet
or on Pinterest at dndduet
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You’ll notice across our site that we are affiliates of DMsGuild and Amazon. This means that we receive a small commission, at not cost to you, when you follow affiliate links from our site to these other sites and make a purchase. We never want to have ads on our site, but we would love your support with this alternate form of monetization. We also never recommend products that we don’t use and believe in!
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