Swapping the roles of DM and player can be especially rewarding in duet games. Here are three methods we have used in our one-on-one D&D game to make it work for us.
5 Reasons Everyone Should DM
Every player should at some point take a turn actually running the game that they love. This feeling goes doubly for those lucky enough to play duet style. Here are five reasons why everyone, but especially those playing with one other person, should take a turn sitting behind the screen.
Identify: Cantrip Candles
Our review of Cantrip Candles, a candle maker specifically catering to the needs of the tabletop community with scents inspired by common fantastical environments including musty and mysterious libraries and dank dungeons.
The Basic Roles of the Dungeon Master
Running a game of D&D is extremely rewarding. In this one function, you have the chance to take on several exciting and ever-changing roles: storyteller, narrator, actor, arbiter, and coordinator. This post discusses each of these in detail.
How to Start Playing a Duet
Whether you are just starting out with role-playing games or you are a well-seasoned veteran, starting a duet is an amazing opportunity to explore your favorite tabletop role-playing game in a fresh new way. The good thing about duets is that you only need to convince one other person to buy in. Sometimes, though, that can be a daunting prospect for a number of reasons.