The Land of Vampires series continues with “The Seed of Corruption,” a three-part level 4 adventure for one GM and one player! In what follows, we’ll cover part one of this duet adventure where the party ventures forth from the relative safety of St. Sebastian and the Ring of Light back into the Witchwood.
Our Playable Content
Map of Fortunes: A 5e Duet Adventure
Trust no one and risk it all for a chance at a great (but potentially deadly) reward in this 5e duet adventure for levels 5-7! If you enjoy the tension between luck and misfortune—and have a healthy thirst for treasure—Map of Fortunes is the adventure for you!
Frozen Depths: A 5e Duet Adventure
This 5e-compatible adventure asks the party to dive beneath a frigid lake to recover a young dwarven conjurer, Glabrobelle, who has gotten herself, quite literally, in over her head. Her aunt, a famous ranger and explorer, seeks out the party. Will they brave the freezing waters to find the lost dwarf?
Basking in the Light: Part One
The Land of Vampires series continues with Basking in the Light, a five-part level 4 adventure for one GM and one player! In what follows, we’ll cover part one of this new serial duet adventure where the party must choose between the Ring of Light’s draconian conservatism or the dark heart of St. Sebastian.
A Spring Court Quest: A 5e Duet Adventure
In this duet adventure for one GM and one PC of levels 3-5, take a trip to the enchanting forests and colorful fields of the Fae Brightlands and join a search for the mystical miniature fae unicorn—a pseudocorn! If the party is willing to take up their assignment from a clever menagerie manager, he’ll make the trip well worth their while, so long as they return with the rare, precious creature, of course!
Prison of the Lighteater: A 5e Duet Adventure
Thank goodness you’re here, adventurers! The town of Saleet is in desperate need of your help! The head of the dig site has shut the entire operation down following the disappearance of his friend and mentor, a Cleric of the Brightmother who discovered the long-buried temple. This 5e-compatible duet adventure will take you from the desert to an interdimensional prison where you’ll take on the Lighteater and its minions, putting a stop to them once and for all.
The Swamplands Witch: A 5e Duet Adventure
Welcome to the village of Festerwelt, which is only slightly more charming than it sounds. You’ve arrived just in time as a young boy is missing, and his stepmother is in line to be executed! This 5e-compatible duet adventure ranges from a small town to dense swampland and an underground geyser!
Out of the Witchwood: Part One
Welcome to the first adventure in our Land of Vampires series! In what follows, we’ll cover the first party of “Out of the Witchwood,” adventure one in this campaign, designed for one GM and one player, around level 3.