How can you adapt your one-on-one D&D campaign if your player isn’t fond of (or is actively opposed to) combat? We have a few ideas for you in this post! Let’s start with why they don’t like combat and build from there.
Building Your World
Casting Time and the Rule of Cool
This post is about casting time and when in your duet game you might want to overrule the official casting time to follow the rule of cool. In most cases, casting time adds to the stakes in-game. But every once in a while, what’s happening at the table needs to override rules-as-written.
Imryss: Big Bad Booklet
Where do souls venture after death? The answer entirely depends of course. But those of special intrigue or merit just might capture the attention of a fallen guardian and find themselves trapped inside her domain. And once they arrive, why wouldn’t a clever collector use them to attract other “worthy” souls? After all, who wouldn’t develop a taste for adventurers after an eternity in the celestial spheres?
How to Start Your Duet Campaign in Azuria
Are you ready to start your duet campaign in the world of Azuria? Find all the world-building details and history you need here!
A Guide to One-on-One D&D
New guide alert! The amazing team at Kobold Press compiled the blog post series we wrote for them into this gorgeously formatted and very helpful guide! If you’re interested in the ins and outs of one-on-one play, this is for you!
What Do You Need to Start Your Duet Game?
Curious about the gaming materials and prep you need before you start your duet game? With so many resources about how to play D&D, it can be hard to figure out what exactly you need to be able to play! In this post, we walk through the additional materials you’ll need to play the Crystalline Curse Trilogy or our Land of Vampires duet campaign.
Land of Vampires Duet Campaign Part Two: Five 5e Adventures
You’ve answered the call and stepped through the portal. Now, in part two of the Land of Vampires 5e duet campaign, you must choose between reviving the fae sisters and hunting your prey. Be beware: Steymhorod has its own plans for your fate.
Co-Creating a World: In-Game Backstory and Lore
This post explores a fun, immersive way of enabling co-creation in-game, especially for backstory and lore details. It starts with asking, “Can I guess?” And it ends with a richer, more imaginative world.