The goal of this revamp is to make the excellent curse of Strahd work with one player and one DM. To that end, this revamp will tackle three things that need to be addressed for this excellent module to work as a duet.
I will post area specific tweaks as Beth and I encounter them. I hope, when it is all said and done, that these posts will enable and encourage duets to play through this excellent book and experience all of the terror and wonder that is Barovia.
In addition to my own experience with the campaign, this revamp owes a lot (including calling it a revamp in the first place) to the genius of u/MandyMod on the Curse of Strahd subreddit. u/DragnaCarta and his work in Curse of Strahd Reloaded has also been influential.
Finally, Justin Alexander’s phenomenal work in the Alexandrian’s Waterdeep Remix is the inspiration for some of the layout and design.
Beware! From here on out, Curse of Strahd spoilers abound!

In Short…
The following conceits are made throughout the Curse of Strahd: Duet Revamp.
- Once Strahd learns of the primary character’s existence, he will set about testing that character’s fitness to be by his side and will work (in a Strahd fashion) to bring that character to his side.
- The people of Barovia have enjoyed nearly two decades of relative peace unmolested by the vampire’s direct presence. By no means is the wilderness safe, but generally people are secure behind their walls.
- The adventure starts south of Krezk instead of east of Barovia.
Here’s why!
My duet partner, Beth, has some experience in Barovia. Because I’m running this module specifically for her, it did not make sense to just start with the mists of Barovia and having the adventuring party enter from the easternmost stretch of the map. For that reason, this revamp begins on the opposite end, just south of Krezk.
Additionally, to make sure that this experience with the book feels fresh, this revamp is set some twenty years after an extended absence of the lord of the land. The reason that things have been quiet is up to you. Perhaps an adventuring party came to Barovia 20 years ago and defeated (temporarily) the lord of vampires? Or perhaps Strahd is just taking an extended nap?
Setting our revamp at the end of a time of relative peace allows for a great number of interesting possibilities. What do the people of Barovia accomplish in the absence of their greatest source of terror for a whole generation? They still can’t leave, but necessarily there will be several noticeable differences in the region.
Important note: While the revamp introduces a different opening and sequence than the book, it still relies heavily on the text. The aim of this series is not to provide a setting guide for Barovia 20 years on after the events of the book. It is to use the material presented in the book in a fresh way that will be familiar, but surprising and new for a player character playing one-on-one even if they have some experience with the book as presented.
Regardless of why Strahd has been inactive in your game, the arrival of the primary character seems to awaken the Dark Lord once more…
For the duet, we need a quick and compelling way for the primary character to become meaningfully involved with the area and the dangers it presents, especially when it comes to the titular dangerous denizen. For that reason, Strahd in this revamp will not spend his time listing after Ireena. He will be targeting the primary PC. This solves several problems for our duet.
One of the biggest things this adjustment does for our revamp is that we have to worry less about primary character death. A solo operator in Barovia stands little chance against the horrors of the land, but if the land itself is vested in keeping the primary character alive but challenged and ever-pressing towards its master, then we have some more flexibility.
Additionally, we have a really clear reason for the primary character to explore the land and prepare to defeat Strahd.
Finally, this revamp is going to retool the encounters in each area to be more fun balanced with one primary player character and one DMPC or Sidekick. The types of encounters that work with large, diverse groups aren’t going to play the same or be as much fun with two people at the table.
For each area, I will include a table including the area of the map and the tweaked encounter.
Next Up
Cover Photo by Avi Agarwal on Unsplash
If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting the blog by purchasing our adventures and supplements in our shop or sponsoring us on Patreon. We appreciate you so much! Thank you for joining us on this adventure! – Beth and Jonathan
E F says
My wife has been interested in Curse of Strahd since seeing “Dice, Camera, Action!” play through it. I’m sure we’ll have fun no matter what, but I’m hesitant to cut Ireena from Strahd’s motivations. I want my wife to have the “full Strahd experience,” as it were. Do you think that’s doable, or will it make it just too hard to survive? We’re going to have my wife’s PC and a Sidekick, each level 5 to start.
Jonathan says
Definitely do what you think is right for your table! I think that you could keep Ireena as part of the story and just go with Strahd’s motivations as written (woo Ireena, toy with the party). In that case, if you wanted to follow along with the Duet Revamp, I would have Ireena be in Krezk (perhaps needing to get away from the Brotherhood of Light’s oppression) and eager to travel to the safety of Vallaki and then Barovia.
Honestly though, I think you could have a great time approaching the book as written as long as you were comfortable tweaking the number and strength of the suggested encounters. One of the big goals of the Revamp here is going to be presenting CoS in a way that those familiar with the book will enjoy it. I don’t know if it would qualify as “the full Strahd experience”.
Kitja says
I’ve recently purchased your Land of Vampires series to play with my husband (his vampire hunter fighter/ rogue and my grave cleric DMPC). I wondered if playing through part 2 and segueing to your modified Curse of Stradt might work? Thanks so much for this amazing content!! It has really made this hobby more accessible to two people constrained by kids/ life/ everything going on <3
Beth says
Hi Kitja,
I am so sorry for the delay in getting back to you! I didn’t see your question until today!
First, your characters sound so cool! What a great pair, especially for Steymhorod/Barovia!
And to answer your question, yes, I think that would totally work! The biggest change to Strahd we’re trying to suggest is that he’s interested in the PC, and so you could keep that the same and elide Strahd and Draego. After the party eliminates Nassarq (which is coming soon in Part 3), they could transition to facing Strahd-Draego. Alternatively, if you want to put Nassarq and Strahd together, that would draw out the search for Nassarq-Strahd even further, which would also be fun!
Let us know if you have more specific questions, and I’ll check with Jonathan too and see if he has anything to add!
I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying our content! I think we could all use more fun, escape, and adventure right about now!
All the best,
– Beth
Kitja says
Thanks so much for the reply Beth! I picked up your LoV 3rd part when it dropped and we’re just starting into part one after the very fun intro campaign. I think I’ll absolutely follow your lead here and transition from the 3rd part to CoS… I imagine it’ll take quite a while for us to get there! Definitely seems like too good of an idea to pass up though. Thanks again for this! 🙂