A small gray-white bird with brown, orange, and red markings, pink feet, and a black beak lands in front of you, chirping happily. You notice a small note tied to its leg with a delicate ribbon. It extends its foot confidently, waiting for you to untie the ribbon and read the enclosed message.
“You are invited,” it begins, “to celebrate Sune’s Day with any number of friends and loved ones. Spend a romantic night at home for two or a rousing chat ‘round the bar with friends. ‘A smile for Sune’s Day’ is what we always say.”
The sender having waxed slightly quixotic so that the writing at the end of the note is too cramped to read, you cannot exactly make out where this festival is taking place. However, your knowledge of local towns and customs reminds you that Sune’s Day is celebrated almost everywhere, and you’re sure to receive a warm welcome upon arrival.
Should you choose to accept the note’s invitation, you will find, on DMsGuild,* a love and celebration-themed adventure for pairs and parties that allows one or more players and their DM to take part in a Sune’s Day festival filled with fun, flirting, and random tables.
As the note explains, the adventure is ready to be incorporated into any campaign or setting and invites participants to join hand-in-hand with chance in tribute to the goddess of love and beauty. Characters of any level can take part and enjoy the revelry, first experiencing and then investigating the strange and surprising occurrences taking place in and around town and at the romantic forest-side inn, The Lovers’ Nook.
Whether two characters in your party have struck up a romance, you’ve finally convinced your partner to play, or you’re looking for a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day or other holiday with friends, a loved one, or your entire gaming party, this adventure is for you!
The adventure is available for $2.95. It was also recently named a DriveThruRPG staff pick!
Cupid’s Sparrow* includes:
- 1-3 hour adventure adaptable to any setting or party size
- All necessary stat blocks for NPCs and descriptions of NPCs and their motivations
- A menu and map for The Lovers’ Nook Inn and town map to aid exploration and gift-getting
We hope you’ll be able to join us!
Beth and Jonathan
P.S.—please leave a review and let us know what you think!
If you’re interested in starting your own one-on-one game, check out First Blush, our inaugural two-person D&D adventure, available for download on DMs Guild.*
We think beginning a duet together would be a perfect present for Valentine’s Day, but if you’re looking for other ideas, we have nine to propose to you!
*We receive a small commission—at no cost to you—if you follow our affiliate link to DMsGuild and make a purchase.
If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting the blog by purchasing our adventures and supplements in our shop or sponsoring us on Patreon. We appreciate you so much! Thank you for joining us on this adventure! – Beth and Jonathan
We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions!