We are so excited to announce the return of Tales of Eldura, our one-on-one D&D livestream!
Tales of Eldura follows the adventures of Garreth Stozdack as he travels across the Negative Planes and attempts to free the city of Beacon from the guardian Azriel’s clutches.
You can join us for the livestream on our twitch channel Tuesday nights at 8pm EST. Or you can catch the replays on our YouTube channel!
We made a few changes for season two of the stream. Most importantly, we made sure that those new to the stream could join us for Season Two, Session One without needing to start back at the beginning.
Click here to watch Season Two, Session One: Leaving the Eternal Forest.

Welcome to Eldura!
At the start of Season Two of Tales of Eldura, we find ourselves in the infinite reaches of the Negative Planes that stretch beneath the world of Eldura.
Before the worlds were made, two sisters, Pandora and Llewellyn, dwelled together in the darkness. Stretching between them was a spark of light.
“You take the light,” Pandora said to her sister, “and I will be infinite.”
Their hands pulled apart, and the worlds exploded into being.
How each plane came to be is not our story to tell save for this: The sacrifice of one titan, who divided herself into three, inspired the mercy of Pandora, who called back her endless forces of darkness and retreated to the Negative Planes she called her own, averting all-out war between the light and the dark. (You can read more of this story here.)
Eons passed, and Pandora’s name fell out of mention.
A new power rose. The champion of light, Alessandra, betrayed her five brethren and the titans who empowered them, ascending into godhood herself.
To escape the titans’ wrath, Alessandra made her home in the Negative Planes, twisting their power to her own ends. From there she now rules, directing her forces against the world of Eldura, destroying one after the next of the great cities across the planes of life.
We met our heroes shortly after one such victory, when Azriel and her minions, under Alessandra’s sway, killed off enough of Beacon’s priests that they overwhelmed the city’s second sun and drug Beacon to the surface of the Negative Planes.
What Azriel did not then realize was that her actions captured a certain beloved son, Patrick, born to Garreth Stozdack, a blacksmith, whose time of adventure had reached its dawn.
The Negative Planes

Season Two takes place within the known reaches of the Negative Planes. There, Garreth and his two companions, Tessina and Evelyn, are trying to locate the Sword of Azriel, hidden in the Dead Peaks at a lost battle more than 100 years ago.
If they succeed, they can cut free the city of Beacon. But if they fail, the city will remain tied to the surface of the Negative Planes until it ceases to be.
You can find the replays of Season Two on our YouTube channel here.
Jonathan and I hope you’ll be able to join us for Tales of Eldura! Depending on demand, we might also make the livestream into a podcast!
If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting the blog by purchasing our adventures and supplements in our shop or sponsoring us on Patreon. We appreciate you so much! Thank you for joining us on this adventure! – Beth and Jonathan
We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions!