Session Recap
In session one, Garreth travels to the Elfsong Tavern to meet someone by the name of Ryder who has been evading the Nightwatch but has important information that Captain Millicent Legree needs. On his way, he hears rumors about the fate of Beacon and gossip explaining why there’s a new influx of refugees outside the city.
Garreth speaks to the bartender, Silra, who says that he hasn’t seen Evelyn Ryder yet that day, but she was at the tavern the previous night. While he waits, a hooded figure comes into the tavern followed by three thuggish guards.
The young woman eventually makes her way over to Garreth’s table to help shield herself from her pursuers. She reveals that she’s a shadow witch named Tessina Genvair, and she witnessed the disaster that befell Beacon when Ilora’s orb darkened, and skull-shaped clouds blotted out the City of Light’s second sun.
The guards—cultists in disguise—interrupt their conversation and try to take Tessina away with them. Garreth prevents this, and he and Tessina fend them off, knocking one unconscious and convincing one to reveal their true aims and nature: servants of Braemorn, the god of murder, who captured Evelyn the previous night and are here for another magic-wielding refugee, Tessina.
The third cultist kills his companion, and Silra, with help, locks the two remaining cultists in the back room while Tessina and Garreth head back out into the streets of Respite to travel to the bathhouse near the Inner Ring where the cultists have hidden Evelyn and a collection of refugees.
Watch the session below, and then find out what happens next!
DM Diary
In addition to a weekly stream, I’ll be recording a DM reflection video, or DM Diary, after each session to talk about the decisions made, mechanics, and what did and didn’t go according to my expectations. You can check that out below!
Missed a session? Want to know more about this history of Eldura? You can find the overview of the storyline and a detailed history—as well as links to all the videos—here!
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