We’ve officially been live for a month and a day, and it has been absolutely amazing so far! Thank you to all of you who have joined us along the way! We are really excited to continue this journey with you!
Authenticity and transparency are important to us, and so this post in particular is a bit of a break away from what we’re normally saying and writing about. We want to give you a glimpse behind the scenes, so here’s a brief recap of our first month and some of our hopes and dreams for the future.
Why we started
Jonathan had been noticing for months the frequency with which people asked about running duets on Reddit. Though there are a few sites that give advice for one-on-one tabletop rpgs, we noticed that there wasn’t a dedicated place for two-person games, so we decided to create it.
We’d had such an incredible experience with our own duet, and playing together in this way has been amazing for our relationship. We wanted to share the duet playstyle with others and to create a space that encourages people in their endeavors to spend creative and quality time with a best friend or partner. And so here we all are, one month in!
What’s happened so far
We have really high hopes for what a duet-specific D&D/RPG community can be and do and for the part that we have the privilege to play in that.
Some of the really cool and data-ish things from this month:
- Our most popular post was “How to Start Playing a Duet.”
- Our first adventure, “First Blush” has over 350 downloads!
- “First Blush” is also over halfway to getting a Copper Medal from DMsGuild!* The medals correspond to paid downloads, of any amount, and we just need a few more to cross that first threshold!
- We’ve had several people recommend us on Reddit as a resource to others which is a dream come true and so exciting!
As we hope you’ve noticed, the amazing @bardandlute crafted a gorgeous logo for us that we’re absolutely obsessed with! He’s working on a few more things for us now, so stay tuned!
We’ve had some really wonderful and meaningful interactions with you, our readers! We treasure those moments so much; they’re incredibly encouraging and inspiring for us. Very genuinely, thank you.
Non-blog-related happenings
We’ll keep this brief, but we also want to give you a chance to get to know us better!
Beth is finalizing her dissertation prospectus, so very soon she will be ABD (all but dissertation) and officially a doctoral candidate! And her birthday is this month!
Jonathan is doing amazing things at school (including an active and wonderful D&D club) and has some cool training opportunities for other teachers coming up!
In our own duet
We will soon be leaving the underwater city of Nepta and facing the green dragon who is incredibly important to several of our characters’ backstories. She’s also the most powerful boss fight we’ve had yet (excluding the vampire)!
Coming Up Next on D&D Duet
A Valentine’s Day-themed Adventure, “Cupid’s Sparrow,” for both duets and larger parties.* It’s really fun and involves lots of randomizing tables to keep things surprising and add some romance and geekiness to your February 14th celebrations.
A list of 10 Valentine’s Day gift ideas for the D&D fan(s) in your life.
The sequel to “First Blush”: “Second Glance” (we’re so excited about this!)
A post adapting the Compass and Myers-Briggs personality systems for developing your D&D character.
And some more homebrew, including our version of the Circle of the Lycan druid subclass and an NPC to add into your games.
Further in the Future
Videos on our soon-to-be-an-actual-thing YouTube channel covering tips and tricks for managing multiple characters in combat.
Segments three, four, and five in the “First Blush” series arc.
We have some really big hopes for the future of this blog and our own active involvement in the D&D community. In addition to continuing to publish duet adventures on DMs Guild, we’re working on some adventures and story arcs from our homebrew world, Azuria, that will be available on our own site.
With that expansion, we’re planning on branching out to have adventures that could be adapted for larger parties in addition to duets, and we would love to publish a long-form campaign and campaign setting. We have a few campaign arcs planned and in the works, but we’re not sure what the timeline for those projects looks like yet.
Part of that larger project is also going to involve us launching a parent site of sorts for D&D Duet that will be more focused on publishing adventures and appeal a bit more widely to the community at large. We would love for more people to be playing duets since they’re such a special and enjoyable form of rpg, and we also want to make available a duet world that could easily expand into multi-player campaigns to make the DM’s job easier.
Again, we’re so honored to have you alongside us for this journey. We’ve been blown away by the response to our blog and first adventure this past month, and we can’t wait to see what’s ahead. Please get in touch with us and let us know what you’d like to see more of on the blog, or feel free to post comments and questions below.
We wish you all the best in your duet,
Beth and Jonathan
*We receive a small commission from DMsGuild, at no cost to you, if you go from our site to theirs and make a purchase.
If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting the blog by purchasing our adventures and supplements in our shop or sponsoring us on Patreon. We appreciate you so much! Thank you for joining us on this adventure! – Beth and Jonathan
We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions!