Collaboration with Hit Point Press
Where do souls venture after death?
The answer entirely depends of course.
But those of special intrigue or merit just might capture the attention of a fallen guardian and find themselves trapped inside her domain.
And once they arrive, why wouldn’t a clever collector use them to attract other “worthy” souls?
One of my favorite D&D projects from this year was working with Hit Point Press on one of their Big Bad Booklets and creating Imryss, curator of souls.
Lauren Walsh is the amazing artist behind the cover image for Imryss. You can find her on Twitter here!
And if you’d like to pick up a copy of Imryss’s big bad booklet, head over to, subscribe to the Patreon, and send the team a message about past issues!
about the Big Bad Booklet
Each month Hit Point Press (formerly The Deck of Many) creates a Big Bad Booklet for their patrons. In it, you’ll find the backstory, unique characteristics, and detailed stat block for a legendary creature of one kind of another. My lovely creature, depicted so beautifully above by Lauren Walsh, is a fallen celestial who collects the souls of adventurers and stores them deep inside her lair.
incorporating Imryss into your campaign
Imryss is perfect following the loss of an important figure in your campaign, whether that’s a fellow party member for the PC, a beloved NPC, or an important political figure. In the supplement, you’ll find ideas for weaving Imryss’s web into your campaign as you lead the PC to her lair where they’ll attempt to free the captured soul without being trapped themselves.
The inspiration for Imryss came after we experienced the death of one of the GMPCs in our duet game and went about retrieving his soul from the astral sea. Our adventurers didn’t have to contend with Imryss then, but I hope one day they will!
I hope you enjoy the supplement and have fun incorporating Imryss into your campaigns!
If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting the blog by purchasing our adventures and supplements in our shop or sponsoring us on Patreon. We appreciate you so much! Thank you for joining us on this adventure! – Beth and Jonathan
We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions!