In part four of “A Thief in the Night,” the party searches Diannan’s Dale and speaks with the dryad overseeing the region. Finally, they discover what happened to the Heart of the Field…
For DMs
A Thief in the Night: Part Three
In part three of “A Thief in the Night,” the party explores the Black Oak and attempts to win the favor of Bitterbranch, a disgruntled treant loyal to the lord of the land, Drogo.
Land of Vampires Duet Campaign Part One: Five 5e Adventures
Five duet adventures, part one of the Land of Vampires campaign—running from level 3 through level 6! Step through the portal and into a dark land teeming with vampires, fae, werewolves, and more! The adventures range across the land of Steymhorod, and we’ve included plenty of worldbuilding, setting, and NPC details alongside several random encounter tables to keep your adventures fresh and fun!
A Thief in the Night: Part Two
Waking to find their hard-won prize missing in part two of A Thief in the Night, the party must track down and reclaim the missing Heart of the Field.
Land of Vampires and Duet-Play Q&A Video
Jonathan and Beth talk about the Land of Vampires duet campaign and some of the inspiration behind it. They also respond to some FAQs about playing one-on-one D&D!
A Thief in the Night: Part One
The Land of Vampires series continues with “A Thief in the Night,” a four-part level 5 adventure for one GM and one player! In what follows, we’ll cover part one of this duet adventure where the party begins to explore the Green Vale and meets many fae who call it home. Some fae will become allies, and some…will not.
Alternative Rules for Werewolf Lycanthropy in 5e
In this post, we cover the alternative rules for werewolf lycanthropy in 5e that we created for the Land of Vampires duet campaign. There are some elements that are specific to Steymhorod, but a lot of it could be adapted to other settings and campaigns!
Creative Spell Tweaks for D&D 5e: Commune
We’ve been experimenting with the role-playing aspects of a few of the 5e spells in our duet and wanted to share them with you! Up first: commune! In this post, we cover the tweaks we made to the commune spell and how they played out in our one-on-one game. Then, from these specific instances, we’ll offer a few broader suggestions to spark ideas for your two-person campaign!