Adjust your party’s stats and abilities for a duet by scaling the number of enemies faced in combat and uniquely empowering them with adjustments to casting and subclasses and personalized magical items.
For Players
First Blush: An Introductory Duet Adventure
Our first adventure, “First Blush,” is now available for download on DMs Guild! Great for new and veteran players, it’s a two-part, four-to-six hour adventure for a first-level character and their DM.
In-Game Mechanics: Role Play
In a duet, the DM, and possibly the player, will more often be in a situation where they are playing multiple characters who are interacting all at once. The goal in these cases is to not carry on a one-sided dialogue and to keep both people at the table as engaged as possible. Here’s how to do just that.
In-Session Notes
Duet-specific adjustments to notes that can help protect your game’s rhythm an not slow things down. Note-taking nerds with a lovely, fun, nerdy hobby—unite!
Identify: Cantrip Candles
Our review of Cantrip Candles, a candle maker specifically catering to the needs of the tabletop community with scents inspired by common fantastical environments including musty and mysterious libraries and dank dungeons.
Creating a Central Party: Character Personality and Alignment
This post discusses balance among your characters’ dispositions to help ensure a fun playing environment where both the DM and the player are getting to RP and interact in social situations with stakes.
Creating a Central Party: Character Class
You’ll want to take personality and character type into account when making the central party. This post discusses choosing character type for balance and fun.
Extra Ways to Support In-Session Immersion
This post walks through some things to consider for making your D&D sessions as enjoyable as possible, focusing on the non-actual-playing parts that go into playing.