In this post, Beth explores story options that can help level up your PC for boss fights or provide the boost your character needs in order to reach their goals without having to rush up-leveling your campaign.
Being Powerful Is Fun: Roguish Reflections on Our Duet, Part One
While balance and challenge are important in duet D&D, it can also be really fun to let our characters lean into their strengths and to take on opponents or situations that they’re more than equipped to handle.
How to Run Low-Combat Duet D&D
How can you adapt your one-on-one D&D campaign if your player isn’t fond of (or is actively opposed to) combat? We have a few ideas for you in this post! Let’s start with why they don’t like combat and build from there.
Casting Time and the Rule of Cool
This post is about casting time and when in your duet game you might want to overrule the official casting time to follow the rule of cool. In most cases, casting time adds to the stakes in-game. But every once in a while, what’s happening at the table needs to override rules-as-written.
A Guide to One-on-One D&D
New guide alert! The amazing team at Kobold Press compiled the blog post series we wrote for them into this gorgeously formatted and very helpful guide! If you’re interested in the ins and outs of one-on-one play, this is for you!
Co-Creating a World: In-Game Backstory and Lore
This post explores a fun, immersive way of enabling co-creation in-game, especially for backstory and lore details. It starts with asking, “Can I guess?” And it ends with a richer, more imaginative world.
What’s the Difference Between a DMPC, Sidekick, and Adventuring Companion?
In this post, we look at the different types of adventuring buddies your PC might take with them in your one-on-one game. Then, you can decide on the character and mechanics that work best for you, your partner, and your duet gaming table!
How to Scale Combat for One-on-One D&D
In this episode, we cover how to scale combat in one-on-one D&D, especially strategies for encounter scale and things to keep in mind. Make sure you’re keeping action economy in mind, use waves of combatants, and remember to dig deeper into the CR!